T h e a r t o f m a k i n g w i n e

The art of making wine
T h e A r t O f W i n e B l e n d i n g
To craft the Mucho Mas wines, we select grapes from amongst the best vineyards in several of Spain’s most famous winegrowing regions. Here we seek out the most important grape varieties to make the head-turning wines of Mucho Más.
But…what is blending?
This is the art of making wine. Mixing different varieties of grapes to complement their best qualities in the final wine.
Each grape variety has its own personality, so our winemakers invest time and energy to develop blends that capture the maximum flavour and interest.
The Mucho Más blends are unique because we take grapes from several key winegrowing areas, blending them together to create this authentic range of wines
This is because each variety has its own personality, so our oenologist invests his time and energy in evaluating each wine to finally assemble the winning combination.
In the case of the Mucho Más range, we have different varieties of red and white grapes that, in their combination, give rise to this unique and authentic range of wines.